Thursday, December 13, 2018

'Gun is no Fun'

In the blog post titled 'Gun is no fun' Katy believes that not having a gun at all is the best thing for us to do, now I'm not disagreeing with her on nothing but there are times the we do need something to defend ourselves. A  concealed gun, like she mentioned, is the best place to go too, yes we don't know who may have one but at the same time if you don't see the gun then the person isn't really a threat unless provoked. To me personally having a gun is something that will keep me safe but at the same time to others like her it might make me look like a threat because i have a weapon that is meant to kill. At the same time i agree with her even though i have a gun when i see others with one as well i do see them as a threat but if its  concealed then i wouldn't see them as nothing but a regular person. Overall a great blog that kept me interested.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

St Louis

On Thursday, November 29, 2018 the MSN published an article titled "US police charged with beating undercover officer during protest." As the title of the article says in St Louis police officers beat an undercover cop dressed as a protester. Not knowing anything about the individual except the persons age, no one can tell if it were a racial crime or anything. Since the incident the officers that were involved where only suspended without pay. To me that's not enough because it is still police brutality so for me they should have been fired. In the article it also includes "The protest had been against the acquittal of former officer Jason Stockley in the fatal shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith." Even the reason of the protest had to do with an officer shooting an innocent person  and now even though they were an undercover cop they still beat the person for basically no reason. Everywhere around the word there is something going on with police officers, is it because they think since they have the power that they have the right to do anything they want and if anyone were to fight back well then the person will be arrested. And even so it seem like they only get a slap on the wrist while in reality it a CRIME. In the end something needs to be done that shows that everyone is treated equal no matter what they did, because a crime is a crime and if only criminals go to prison for the thing that some police officers do then heck might as well become a police officer to get away with everything.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Uncle Sam

On Friday, November 2, 2018 Bloggers published an article titled U.S./ Mexico Wall, written by Athen Steele. Personal I love the blog that Athen has posted I agreed with everything that he had to say. I especially liked when you say "The goal would be to not allow people to come to the United States illegally. Some people think the wall would keep people out and also keep drugs from coming into our country." Not that many people know what the wall is being built for many say it's to keep Mexico out and others say say differently but the only person for sure would be the president himself. In general just like Athen said " I think the wall is a bad idea." Basically everything he says in general.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Fake News?

On Friday, November 2, 2018, the msm publish an article titled Trump: 'The fake news is creating violence'. Trump is accusing news that the news that they are report is fake and is causing violence. Trump says many thing but the question is if it true on not. Many people don't know what the president of the united state will say next but hopefully what he says is true. People say that the "troops along the U.S.-Mexico border might shoot at immigrants approaching the border under some circumstances" which Trump denies and says that its all "fake news." Me personally has to believe everything the president has to say because hes of higher power out of everyone in the united states. Others say that half the stuff that he says my not be true and that it could cause a big mayhem among others. Trump did state that "If anyone were to throw rocks at troops, 'they're gonna be arrested, there's gonna be problems," Now the Question is do we believe it or not. Do we believe anything that this man says or do we not believe anything that me news say but it that were the case then what do we believe in if everything is fake. That's only for you to decide on and believe everything that you think is right.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Border in trouble?!?!?

On Friday, October 9, 2018 the CBSNews published an article titled, "Trump lacks legal authority to send military to U.S.-Mexico border."  This article really intrigued me a lot because of the fact that Trump has many issues with the fact that most of the things that he does is just nonsense, and now that the fact that he basically wants to send an "army" to the border is just ridiculous. In the article it says,"On October 2, border patrol agents encountered a group of 164 adults and children near the border, and on September 25, a group of 264 migrants."I understand that now in day thay're groups of over 100 people trying to come to America that dosent mean that we have to send a military over to the border. The fact that Trump is even blaming the Democrats of the whole situation of "President Trump accused Democrats of supporting a caravan of about 3,000 Central American migrants heading for the U.S. border." Yes its illegal to cross the border but how does that have to do anything with Democrats. Its also true that, "In April, the president did deploy the National Guard to assist at the border, a move previously done by both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama." that doesn't mean that he has to take it one step further. In the end I hope that Trump doesn't get the right to send military help to the border because if thats the case might as well start a war with Mexico because it sure does seem like thats hat it going to lead to because of everything that Trump wants to do with the power that he has. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Space Troops

On Friday October 5, 2018 the CBSNews published an acrticle titled Neil deGrasse Tyson says "Space Force" is "not a crazy idea." In the article Neil states that Trump's idea of have a Space Force is nor a bad idea the only thing that we would have to worry about is "space debris and protecting citizens from rouge asteroids." Neil also said that adventuring into space would be the "an important step in that direction." hearing everything that Neil had to say about this idea in not rally bad because seeing how the earth is coming to be and how the planet could be coming to an end, adventuring into space really wouldn't be a bad idea because if we could adventure into space then we could find new thing and maybe a new planet if necessary. In the end i would strongly agree with Neil and his decision on the fact that we should adventure into space. Neil also said, "and just because it came out of Trump's mouth doesn't automatically mean it's a crazy idea." I disagree with Neil because everything that man says is crazy and makes no sense if anything this idea that he had is the only thing that was great.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Newsweek published an article titled "Once '99 Percent Against Trump,' Dean Heller Calls Him 'Great Leader."' Just like the article states Senator Dean Heller despised both Hilary and Trump by stating that they were both unfit to be president. but one day Trump invite Senator Dean to the white house and from that day Senator Dean is now calling Trump a 'Great leader'. Nobody knows what Trump said to Senator Dean but what ever he did made him change his mind over Trump and is now 100% for Trump. One things for sure if trump is able to change the mind of one person just imagine what he could do if he could change the mind of others about him.