Friday, October 19, 2018

Border in trouble?!?!?

On Friday, October 9, 2018 the CBSNews published an article titled, "Trump lacks legal authority to send military to U.S.-Mexico border."  This article really intrigued me a lot because of the fact that Trump has many issues with the fact that most of the things that he does is just nonsense, and now that the fact that he basically wants to send an "army" to the border is just ridiculous. In the article it says,"On October 2, border patrol agents encountered a group of 164 adults and children near the border, and on September 25, a group of 264 migrants."I understand that now in day thay're groups of over 100 people trying to come to America that dosent mean that we have to send a military over to the border. The fact that Trump is even blaming the Democrats of the whole situation of "President Trump accused Democrats of supporting a caravan of about 3,000 Central American migrants heading for the U.S. border." Yes its illegal to cross the border but how does that have to do anything with Democrats. Its also true that, "In April, the president did deploy the National Guard to assist at the border, a move previously done by both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama." that doesn't mean that he has to take it one step further. In the end I hope that Trump doesn't get the right to send military help to the border because if thats the case might as well start a war with Mexico because it sure does seem like thats hat it going to lead to because of everything that Trump wants to do with the power that he has. 

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