Friday, November 2, 2018

Fake News?

On Friday, November 2, 2018, the msm publish an article titled Trump: 'The fake news is creating violence'. Trump is accusing news that the news that they are report is fake and is causing violence. Trump says many thing but the question is if it true on not. Many people don't know what the president of the united state will say next but hopefully what he says is true. People say that the "troops along the U.S.-Mexico border might shoot at immigrants approaching the border under some circumstances" which Trump denies and says that its all "fake news." Me personally has to believe everything the president has to say because hes of higher power out of everyone in the united states. Others say that half the stuff that he says my not be true and that it could cause a big mayhem among others. Trump did state that "If anyone were to throw rocks at troops, 'they're gonna be arrested, there's gonna be problems," Now the Question is do we believe it or not. Do we believe anything that this man says or do we not believe anything that me news say but it that were the case then what do we believe in if everything is fake. That's only for you to decide on and believe everything that you think is right.

1 comment:

  1. I largely agree with the article posted by Nicanor Ruiz Jaimes titled “Fake News?”. However when Trump is saying that the fake news is causing violence, he means the way the media twists his already arrogant words. For example if Trump says that an issue was caused by gang violence the media might change it to say he blamed it on black gang violence. While this is not much different from what he said it implies a more racist connotation and makes him look more racist. This causes violence because it adds more tension to an already tense racial situation in America. Now I am in no way saying everything he is saying is true but I am saying that a lot of the commotion is amplified by the media. They are the cause of a lot of the racial violence in America.
